With the release of its K series, Sony Ericsson hit the jackpot in an instant. Each handset under the banner imbibes within a modern technology to make photography a passion and sweet indulgence. The latest to hit the roads is Sony Ericsson K810i. The handset is stylish, modern and comes packed with the essential goodies of a K series phone.
The phone is basically an enhanced version of the Sony Ericsson K800i and comes with few minor changes with more aesthetic appeal. In tune with the cult of shiny mobile phones, the Sony Ericsson K810i also comes with a glossy front section. Also, there is an innovative keypad that features small circular silver keys. While this innovation makes the handset look really classy and unique, it also makes the operation of the keypad a little problematic. This happens because the keys are very small and are spaced far apart. One more change in this phone is that the handset comes with a slimmer shape now, it is now 5mm slimmer than its predecessor. And yes, the handset also comes with new and improved camera cover.
When considering the imaging prowess of Sony Ericsson K810i, the handset indeed scores a good figure. The camera of this handset has not really undergone any major changes - in terms of software and hardware. It features the same 3.2 MP camera, with auto -focus and xenon flash. The users can shoot still pictures and videos. There are also features to edit the snap and share the pictures through different messaging services like MMS, emails or blogs. Plus, there is also a special feature called BestPic mode. In this, nine photos are take in quick succession when one presses the shutter button. The only change that has been made to the software was the feature of Photo Fix. In this feature, the camera of the handset adjusts light balance, contrast and brightness.
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